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Dispose Junk Food Together

Last night's party was a success, but now you need to clean up - Chinese take-away cartons, crisp packets, cookie bags and juice cans are spread all over the room. You're going to have to find and click "Clean Up" on every one and watch your Sim make multiple trips to the bin, carrying one item at a time. Or you could leave it for the maid and just pay her for her daily work-out walking back-and-forth to the waste bin.

I've never understood why Sims don't stack junk food containers, like they do plates, and make fewer trips to the bin.

This mod changes the "Clean Up" action for pizza slices, Chinese take-away cartons, crisp packets, cookie bags, juice cans, keg cups, protein shake cans and instant meal cans such that disposing of any one item will dispose of all items in the same room. The Sim will go to the selected item, pick it up, place it in a bin bag, and then in proximity order, go to every other trash item in the same room, add that to the bin bag, before finally making one trip to the waste bin.

As side benefits, the Sim will gain cleaning skill while collecting the trash, and if you leave it all for the maid, her bill will be cheaper as you won't be paying her to walk to and from the rubbish bin all day.


The new BCON 0x2020 "Tuning - Dispose" can be used to restrict the search for junk food items to the current room only (entry 0x00) and to limit how far a Sim will look when outside (entry 0x01) - by default the Sim will only collect junk food items in the same room, and if outside will look no further than 6 tiles from their current location.


This global mod changes the following "Interaction - Clean Up" BHAVs in the given objects (group)

  • 0x1007 in "Accessory - Keg Cup" (0x7FBB7C86)
  • 0x100C in "Chinese Takeout - Box" (0x7F095B41)
  • 0x1004 in "Food - Bag - Chips" (0x7F6A4E26)
  • 0x1004 in "Food - Bag - Cookies" (0x7F900E6E)
  • 0x1004 in "Food - Drink - Instant Meal" (0x7F31DF4D)
  • 0x1004 in "Food - Drink - Juice" (0x7F5BD236)
  • 0x1004 in "Food - Drink - Protein Shake" (0x7F4AE360)
  • 0x1002 in "Pizza - Slice" (0x7FCCD535)

For the "Accessory - Keg Cup" (0x7FBB7C86) object it changes the semi-global group and the "Function - Init" (0x1000) BHAV.

For the "Chinese Takeout - Box" (0x7F095B41) object it changes the semi-global group.

For the "Pizza - Slice" (0x7FCCD535) object it changes the semi-global group and adds the "CT - Can Be Put In Personal Inventory" (0x103A) BHAV.

It also adds eight BHAVs in the range 0x2100 to 0x2107 and two BCONs in the range 0x2020 to 0x2021 to the "Food_Globals" (0x7F3C9675) group, so will conflict with any mod that does the same.

Simblr Links


  • The developers of SimPE.

Note: Video taken before cleaning skill gain was added.

Code Reuse Policy

You are free to use my code in any way you want, a credit would be nice, but not required.

Specifically, you may

  • reverse engineer the code to figure out how I did it
  • modify the code to do something different but similar and redistribute it, provided you change the name of the .package file
  • merge my code into your own mod and redistribute it
  • merge my code into another mod for your own use. You may redistribute this mod-mod ONLY if the author(s) of the other mod permit it

Reporting Issues

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