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No Date Gifts

This global mod removes the giving of gifts after a good/dream date (does NOT affect dropping off the flower bouquet or love letter).


There are two versions of this mod, one with and one without messages, install only one.


The mod changes one BHAV (0x1003 'Interaction - Anti Burgle') and one STR# (0x012D 'Dialog prim string set') in the 'Controller - Anti-Burglar' (0x7F75BE33) group, so will conflict with any mod that does the same.

No known conflicts


  • Works with all versions of the game from Night Life onwards
  • If using the "with messages" version of the mod, instead of the date gift, a notification will be displayed, reading either "I was going to get you a gift, but I spent the money on myself instead. But hey, it's the thought that counts ... right?" or "I wanted to get a 'Thank You' gift, but I'm a bit short of cash right now ... will an IOU do?"

Simblr Links


  • The developers of SimPE.

Code Reuse Policy

You are free to use my code in any way you want, a credit would be nice, but not required.

Specifically, you may

  • reverse engineer the code to figure out how I did it
  • modify the code to do something different but similar and redistribute it
  • merge my code into your own mod and redistribute it
  • merge my code into another mod for your own use. You may redistribute this mod-mod ONLY if the author(s) of the other mod permit it

Reporting Issues

Before contacting me to report any issues, errors or conflicts please ensure you have read and followed Help Me To Help You and Help Me To Help You - Part 2
