Public School Winter Uniform
for Teen Girls

Replacement mesh (with both fat and pregnant morphs) for the jumper with blue tie (Ravenclaw) and long skirt full body outfit.


No known conflicts - I suppose there is a remote chance I've used the same scene graph names/groups as another item of clothing!


Fat and Pregnant morphs added by using the fantastic tutorial "Comprehensive WSO Action Tutorial" and the TF body fat and pregnant templates.

If you want different coloured ties, you just need to chop the existing textures at the 172 pixel line and copy over the top of the combined texture (both my recolours use the same texture, so you only need to do this once, but copy it twice).


Based on the full body "Hogwarts Uniforms for Teenage Girls - Winter Set" by cloudlessnights.

Additional kudos to ...

  • The developers of SimPE.
  • The developers of MilkShape.
  • The developers of the WSO toolkit, templates and tutorials.
