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Toddler Character Changes

Toddler skills, all that effort for what? A few memories and some aspiration points!

Shouldn't there be more tangible benefits or penalties?

What if learning to walk gave Body skill, or not learning to talk made the child more shy (less outgoing), or not being potty trained affected bladder control for the rest of the Sim's life?

With this mod you can decide how to reward Sim's for learning those early stage life skills, or penalise them - your choice.

For each of the four taught toddler skills - walk, talk, nursery rhyme and potty train - you can decide if there is an associated reward or penalty of a skill and/or personality and/or motive change.


For each of the four taught toddler skills - walk, talk, nursery rhyme and potty train

  • decide if there is a reward (1) from learning it, a penalty (-1) for not being taught it or nothing (0), and set the associated BCON (0x1001 to 0x1004) entry 0x00 accordingly.
  • decide if the reward/penalty will be absolute (0) or relative (1) and set entry 0x01 accordingly. If absolute is chosen and there is a reward, a toddler with any learning will get the full reward. If absolute is chosen and there is a penalty, a toddler must have fully learnt the skill (ie be able to perform it on their own) to not receive the penalty.
  • decide if the reward/penalty will be skill based and if so set entry 0x02 to the desired skill (eg body, charisma, etc) and set entry 0x03 to the maximum number of points to gain/lose in 1/100ths, eg for a maximum gain of one point set the value to 100. Do NOT set entry 0x03 to a value greater than 300. Set entry 0x03 to zero for no skill based reward/penalty.
  • decide if the reward/penalty will be personality based and if so set entry 0x04 to the desired personality (eg active, outgoing, etc) and set entry 0x05 to the maximum number of points to gain/lose in 1/100ths, eg for a maximum gain of two point set the value to 200. Do NOT set entry 0x05 to a value greater than 300. Set entry 0x05 to zero for no personality based reward/penalty.
  • decide if the reward/penalty will be motive based and if so set entry 0x06 to the desired motive (eg energy, social, etc) and set entry 0x07 to the maximum number of points to gain/lose. For reference, the aspiration slower decay values are all set to 12 (decimal). Do NOT set entry 0x07 to a value greater than 32. Set entry 0x07 to zero for no motive based reward/penalty.

An Example

I'm going to set my game up such that when a toddler ages to a child they will

  • gain up to one point of body skill from learning to walk
  • lose one point of outgoing personality (ie they will be more shy) if they have not learnt to talk
  • learning or not learning the nursery rhyme has no effect
  • lose bladder motive faster if they have not been potty trained

BCON 0x1001 "Tuning - Walk"

This is a relative gain of body skill, so will be ...

BCON 0x1002 "Tuning - Talk"

This is an absolute loss of outgoing personality, so will be ...

BCON 0x1003 "Tuning - Rhyme"

This has no effect, so will be ...

BCON 0x1004 "Tuning - Potty"

This is a relative loss of bladder motive, so will be ...


This is a stand-alone controller (object) with its own GUID, so will not conflict with anything else.


This mod requires Age Transition Messages.

Simblr Links


  • Simsample for the idea.
  • The developers of SimPE.


Code Reuse Policy

You are free to use my code in any way you want, a credit would be nice, but not required.

Specifically, you may

  • reverse engineer the code to figure out how I did it
  • modify the code to do something different but similar and redistribute it
  • merge my code into your own mod and redistribute it
  • merge my code into another mod for your own use. You may redistribute this mod-mod ONLY if the author(s) of the other mod permit it

Reporting Issues

Before contacting me to report any issues, errors or conflicts please ensure you have read and followed Help Me To Help You and Help Me To Help You - Part 2
