Primitive 0x0003 - Find Best Interaction
There is no SimPe wizard for this instruction, so the following table details the meaning of each of the operands.
Operand | Description | Operand Values |
0 & 1 | For Motive(s) | bit 1: Shopping bit 2: Scratch/Chew bit 3: Unused bit 4: Mood bit 5: Mood+Mem bit 6: Energy bit 7: Comfort bit 8: Hunger bit 9: Water/Hygiene bit 10: Bladder bit 11: Unused bit 12: Sleep State bit 13: Unused bit 14: Environment bit 15: Social bit 16: Fun |
2 | Other Motives | 0: for the N current worst motives 1: with remaining motives from the worst |
3 - bit 1 | Unused | |
3 - bit 2 | Only In Room In Temp 0 | Off: False On: True |
3 - bit 3 | Include OOW objects | Off: False On: True |
3 - bit 4 | Only nested | Off: False On: True |
3 - bit 5 | Only on current interaction (ci) object | Off: False On: True |
3 - bit 6 | Use location (room?) of object in Temp 1 | Off: False On: True |
3 - bit 7 | Unused | |
3 - bit 8 | Unused | |
4 thru 15 | Unused |
// Decompiled with JetBrains decompiler // Type: pjse.BhavNameWizards.WizPrim0x0003 // Assembly: pjse.coder.plugin, Version=4.0.3349.37576, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null using SimPe.PackedFiles.Wrapper; using System; namespace pjse.BhavNameWizards { public class WizPrim0x0003 : BhavWizPrim { public WizPrim0x0003(Instruction i) : base(i) { } protected override string Operands(bool lng) { byte[] numArray = new byte[16]; ((byte[]) this.instruction.Operands).CopyTo((Array) numArray, 0); ((byte[]) this.instruction.Reserved1).CopyTo((Array) numArray, 8); string str1 = ""; string str2; if (numArray[2] == (byte) 0) { str2 = str1 + Localization.GetString("bwp03_nworst"); } else { int num = (int) BhavWiz.ToShort(numArray[0], numArray[1]); str2 = str1 + Localization.GetString("bwp03_formotive") + ": "; bool flag = false; for (ushort sid = 0; sid < (ushort) 16; ++sid) { if ((num & 1 << (int) sid) != 0) { str2 = str2 + (flag ? "; " : "") + BhavWiz.readStr(GS.BhavStr.Motives, sid); flag = true; } } if (!flag) str2 = str2 + "(" + Localization.GetString("none") + ")"; if (lng) str2 = str2 + ", " + Localization.GetString("bwp03_remworst") + ": " + (((int) numArray[2] & 1) != 0).ToString(); } if (lng) str2 = str2 + ", " + Localization.GetString("bwp03_inroom") + " " + this.dataOwner((byte) 8, (ushort) 0) + ": " + (((int) numArray[3] & 2) != 0).ToString() + ", " + Localization.GetString("bwp03_oow") + ": " + (((int) numArray[3] & 4) != 0).ToString() + ", " + Localization.GetString("bwp03_nested") + ": " + (((int) numArray[3] & 8) != 0).ToString() + ", " + Localization.GetString("bwp03_oninteraction") + ": " + (((int) numArray[3] & 16) != 0).ToString() + ", " + Localization.GetString("bwp03_locntemp1") + ": " + (((int) numArray[3] & 32) != 0).ToString(); return str2; } } }