BSOK Editor

The BSOK Editor is a utility for quickly applying nuBSOK and mfBSOK product codes to multiple package files.

Unzip the distribution somewhere.

Navigate into the created BsokEditorV1.0 sub-folder.

Double click the BsokEditor.exe file to start the application.

From the "Options" menu, select "Show Gender / Age" (if not already ticked).

From the "Options" menu, select "Show Category / Shoe" (if not already ticked).

On the "Mode" menu, ensure "Auto-Backup" is ticked.

From the "File" menu choose "Select Folder ..."

In the "Select Folder" dialog, navigate into a folder that contains files to be BSOK'ed and click the "Select Folder" button.

The application will read all the .package files in the selected sub-folder and display them. Files with a GZPS resource are assumed to be clothing, files with an XMOL resource are assumed to be accessories, while those with neither are marked as "Unknown". To remove unknown entries from the table, from the "options" menu, ensure "Exclude Unknown" is ticked (do this now, as it'll save confusion in future).

As no BSOK info is present in the files, the "Bsok" column is empty. The "Gender", "Age", "Category" and "Shoe" columns can be hidden if not required via the "Show Gender / Age" and "Show Category / Shoe" options on the "Options" menu.

Click on the first row of the table to select it. The editor area is updated to reflect the details in the package.

Changing the "Gender" or "Shoe" drop-down, or any of the "Age" and "Category" check boxes will update the values in the selected row, and also enable the "Save" button.

Click on the second row to select it. As can be seen the first row has a pale pink backgroud to indicate that it has been changed but not yet saved.

Click on the first row to select it again and then right-click, an option appears to "Restore Original Values". Select it and the row will revert to the values from the associated .package file.

With the first row still selected, hold down the Ctrl key and click the second row - both rows are now selected.

(Note: To select a contigious range, click on the first item then shift-click on the last item.)

From the first "BSOK Product" drop-down, select the 'genre' (nuBSOK, mfBSOK Medieval or mfBSOK Fantasy) to use, we'll stick with nuBSOK.

nuBSOK has no 'styles' so the second drop-down is empty. If we'd selected one of the mfBSOK geners this would contain entries such as "Viking", "Barbarian", "Elven" and "Naga".

From the third drop-down, select the 'group' (these are filtered on the gender of the selected rows), choose "Curvy Sizes (female)".

From the fourth drop-down, select the 'shape', choose "Classic Pinup (CPU)".

From the fifth drop-down, select the 'role', choose "Civilian / All".

As we now have a complete BSOK Product, the details are added to the selected rows in the table. By hovering the mouse over the entry in the table, the displayed tooltip is the hex code associated with the product.

Click on the third row to select just it, then hold down the Ctrl key and click on the fourth row to select both.

Reselect "Curvy Sizes (female)" from the third bsok drop-down, and "FitChick" from the fourth.

Repeat for the fifth and sixth, and the seventh and eighth rows.

To save all the changes, click the "Save" button. As "Auto-Backup" (under the "Mode" menu) is ticked, a copy of each package is made with the .bak extension before the changes are applied.

Close the utility, either from the "File" menu's "Exit" option or by the "X" button top right. If you have unsaved changes, the utility will warn you about them before exiting.

Using SimPe open one (or more) of the .package files and confirm that the product code and creator entries in the GZPS resources have been changed.

Shortcut Keys

  • Alt+F - File menu
  • Alt+H - Help menu
  • Alt+M - Mode menu
  • Alt+O - Options menu
  • Alt+S - Save
  • Alt+F4 - Exit

  • Ctrl+O - Open (Select) folder

  • F1 - Help (about)


ocelotekatl @ Blue Heaven Sims

Norica - for creating the Medieval/Fantasy BSOK (mfBSOK)

boseknows - for Legacy BSOK formatted data

Source Code

Source code can be downloaded from GitHub

Change Log

Version 2.3

  • Fixed bug with Naked Overlay category not working.
  • Added Skintone category.
  • The tooltip for age and category columns now displays the hex code as well as the ages/categories, eg "0x00000048 - Adult, Young Adult" or "0x00000150 - Maternity, PJs, Underwear".
  • Config Dialog - picking an unsupported version of SimPe now displays a link to this post

Version 2.2

  • Removed redundant "lock" icons
  • Added Search feature

Version 2.1

  • Duplicate BINX/3IDR pairs are now detected and skipped
  • Ctrl-Click on an age or category checkbox will uncheck all others in the group and check just that one

Version 2.0

  • Recompiled to fix compression and SimPe issues - see here

Version 1.11

  • Fixed BSOK product code error for "Melodie09 FF Barbarian".

Version 1.10

  • Added support for nuBSOK v1C.
  • Added Naked category and options menu item to show/hide
  • Fixed a bug with Adult/Young Adult setting the wrong age flag (reversed).

Version 1.9

  • BSOK configuration can be split at the genre, style or group levels.

Version 1.8

  • BSOK configuration is now held in multiple .xml files.

Version 1.7

Version 1.6

  • Add support for nuBSOK V1B.
  • Added ability to apply BSOK codes to hair/eyebrows, and two hair/eyebrow specific categories (under Legacy BSOK).

Version 1.5

  • Fixed bug when changing the value of a column when the table is sorted by the same column.
  • Fixed crash when sorting by a column when the first item in the table would be hidden.

Version 1.4

  • Added mouse-over thumbnails (from BodyShop cigen.package file)

Version 1.3

  • Added support for Legacy BSOK

Version 1.2

  • Fixed a bug with writing the product code as a string and not a uint

Version 1.1

  • Updated to cope with DBPF packages that report their internal format as V1.2 (an unknown format!)

Version 1.0

  • Initial release
