Civilization - Morindim

Civilization - Morindim

The Clans of the Morindim

Compatibility: Hot Seat, Affects Saved Games

Required Mods: DLL - Various Mod Components, Promotions - Terrain Crossing

Incompatible Mods: Units - Steampunk Airships, Religion - Randomise

Special thanks: See "Kudos Awards" in the Morindim's Civilopedia entry

The Clans of the Morindim - Spirits of Earth, Sky and Water
* UA: Extra land, Special Religion and River Connections
* UB: Totem Pole (replaces Shrine) and Totems, Clan Council (replaces Courthouse)
* UI: Spirit Markers (can only be built by Clan Mystics)
* Clan Units: Elder (Inquisitor), Mystic (Missionary), Magician (Prophet)
* Spirit Units: Spirit Warriors (raised from Spirit Markers), Great Spirits (summoned by Clan Magicians)

* DLL - Various Mod Components (v49 or later)
* Promotions - Terrain Crossing (v3 or later)

Incompatible with:
* Units - Steampunk Airships (any version)
* Religion - Randomise (any version)
* Any mod with it's own DLL

Conflicts with:
* Any mod that modifies WorldView
* Any mod that modifies UniqueBonuses
* Any mod that modifies TechTree (including "Unique Building - Basilica)
* Any mod that modifies CivilopediaScreen (including "Unique Building - Basilica)
* Any mod that modifies EnemyUnitPanel or UnitPanel (including "UI - Condensed Promotions")
(conflicting files may be removed for loss of UI enhancements without loss of functionallity)


v 503-Apr-2016 11:50:48
v 412-Dec-2015 17:58:41
v 324-Jun-2014 21:02:04
v 206-May-2014 07:16:18
v 127-Apr-2014 21:41:08
