LiveTuner - Routes Panel

LiveTuner - Routes Panel


New "Routes" panel for LiveTuner

Show the shortest route (road, rail, land, costal or ocean) between any two cities.

Also shows the shortest river bank route between two cities, or all river banks between the two cities

After the mod has downloaded you will need to copy the .ltp file to your C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\sid meier's civilization v\Debug directory

The panel requires the mod to be installed and active.


v 608-Jun-2014 18:06:20
v 525-Mar-2014 17:23:56
v 421-Nov-2013 22:20:01
v 320-Nov-2013 12:35:25
v 213-Nov-2013 21:06:44
v 123-Jun-2012 20:37:41
