This mod changes the behaviour of outgoing Sims when swimming or sunbathing, in that they may decide to do so 'in the buff'.

Swim Logic (beach or pool)
- If in Swim Wear, stay in Swim Wear
- If No Naturists Sign is nearest, change into Swim Wear
- If a Child (or Toddler or Baby), change into Swim Wear
- If after 4am and before 10pm, change into Swim Wear
- If Naked, don't change
- If in Undies and >0% chance of changing into undies, don't change
- If Outgoing > 750, 50% chance of going Naked, unless No Naked Teens, change into Undies
otherwise 37.5% ((100%-50%) * 75%) chance of changing into Undies,
otherwise change into Swim Wear - If Outgoing > 500, 75% chance of changing into Undies,
otherwise change into Swim Wear - Otherwise change into Swim Wear
Sunbathe Logic
- If in Swim Wear, stay in Swim Wear
- If No Naturists Sign is nearest, change into Swim Wear
- If a Child (or Toddler or Baby), change into Swim Wear
- If a Teen and No Naked Teens, change into Swim Wear
- If before 10am or after 5pm, change into Swim Wear
- If Naked, don't change
- If Outgoing > 750, 50% chance of going Naked, otherwise change into Swim Wear
- Otherwise change into Swim Wear
Note: Values in bold are configurable, see below.
A sign to control if naturist are permitted on the lot. If there are multiple signs on the lot, the Sim will obey the nearest one.

Menu options enable fine control over areas of the lot.

Found under Decorative/Misc for $25, have a Sim click on the sign to change between "No Naturists" and "Mixed Bathing".
BCON 0x2009 "Tuning - Skinny Dipping"
- 0x00 After Hour (pool/beach) - time after which outgoing Sims may skinny dip at a pool or the beach; default 10pm
- 0x01 Before Hour (pool/beach) - time before which outgoing Sims may skinny dip at a pool or the beach; default 4am
- 0x02 Outgoing for naked - minimum outgoing score for a Sim to consider skinny dipping; default 750
- 0x03 Outgoing for undies - minimum outgoing score for a Sim to consider swimming in their underwear; default 500
- 0x04 %chance of naked - percentage change an outgoing Sim will skinny dip; default 50%
- 0x05 %chance of undies - percentage change an outgoing Sim will swim in their underwear; default 75%
- 0x06 After Hour (sunbathe) - time after which outgoing Sims may sunbathe 'in the buff'; default 10am
- 0x07 Before Hour (sunbathe) - time before which outgoing Sims may sunbathe 'in the buff'; default 5pm
- 0x08 No Naked Teens - disables teens from skinny dipping or 'in the buff' sunbathing; default 0 (off)
KNOWN to conflict with "CBOY_nudist.package", this mod replaces that functionality, so make sure this mods loads after CBOY_nudist.package
KNOWN to conflict with "vacationfixes.package" from MATY, this mod includes the fixes, so make sure this mods loads after vacationfixes.package
KNOWN to conflict with my Use Ladder After Chicken Out mod, you will need the patch from that mod and to place both mods into the same sub-folder.
The Bathing Control Sign has its own GUID from my block, so shouldn't conflict with anything.
The mod requires Distance Globals and InTeen Check 2
- Bulbizarre for the idea.
- Latmos for the Simlist/English sign recolours.
- The developers of SimPE.

You are free to use my code in any way you want, a credit would be nice, but not required.
Specifically, you may
- reverse engineer the code to figure out how I did it
- modify the code to do something different but similar and redistribute it
- merge my code into your own mod and redistribute it
- merge my code into another mod for your own use. You may redistribute this mod-mod ONLY if the author(s) of the other mod permit it
Before contacting me to report any issues, errors or conflicts please ensure you have read and followed Help Me To Help You and Help Me To Help You - Part 2
- Distance Globals (required)
- InTeen Check 2 (required)