Mods & Custom Content
My Sims2Tools (HCDU Plus, What Caused This, BHAV Finder, etc are located under 'Utilities (inc Notes)'
Mods listed by last updated date

Simple mod to remove the restriction on not being able to give the vacation specific massages on community lots.
This global mod directs a starving Sim to get leftovers from the fridge and eat them.
This global mod changes the universal "X is HOT!" message after a Sim scopes the room to one that reflects the actual attraction the Sim feels towards the target of their affection.
Two mods that alter the behaviour of the bugJarTimeDecay "cheat code".
Change Appropriately After Bathing
Mod to change a Sim into appropriate attire after bathing.
Sims gain charisma while chatting/hanging-out and telling jokes.
Changes the fridge chosen to remove food from to be that nearest the Sim and not the cooker while cooking.
Configurable Ask To Become Witch
Makes the interation to Ask to become a witch/warlock more configurable.
Changes to the five crafting stations such that Sims using them gain an associated skill.
Daydreaming Sims will slowly gain comfort and energy.
Burning food results in a dirty cooker.
Sims will collect all junk food in the room and then make a single trip to the waste bin.
Sims will dispose/burn all leaf piles on the lot in a single action.
Sims will collect all newspapers on the lot and recycle/compost them in a single trip to the bin.
Adds menu options to 'grave markers' to force them to always be urns.
Sims gain skills whilst playing games - Red Hands, Mary Mack, Punch-U, Water Balloon Fight, etc.
Adds a dialog to the newspaper and computer job finder summarizing what careers have openings today.
Makes the Build and Draw actions on the activity table joinable and usable by visitors.
Two mods affecting how leftovers are handled - "Per-Fridge Leftovers" and "Closest Fridge For Leftovers Fix".
Reinstates the view centrefold animation for magazines and adds thought bubbles when reading the non-hobby magazines.
Additional objects and potions for witches and warlocks to craft via their cauldrons.
Takes into account multiple tills in the same room when choosing where to pay.
Modifies the single rose and bouquet left after a date to include the date's name.
Removes the random bad photos when taking pictures.
This global mod removes the giving of gifts after a good/dream date (does NOT affect dropping off the flower bouquet or love letter).
No longer can Sims jump in a car and drive somewhere, they need a licence.
Removes enthusiasm from the game.
This global mod postpones the 'welcome wagon' if everyone is out.
This game play mod adds a tube of acne cream that can be stored in a teen's inventory and used to change their personal hygiene level for acne/spots/zits.
This mod removes the restriction that only family members can get pregnant on a lot and replaces it such that any eligible playable Sim can get pregnant on any lot.
Sims can be directed to relax on the bed in various states of undress.
Shared Showering With Interactions
Two romantically involved Sims can share a shower in the shower-tub, and have extra fun while getting clean.
Outgoing Sims when swimming or sunbathing, may decide to do so 'in the buff'.
Teens who sneak out and don't get caught have a small chance of returning with a random object.
Changes 'Hunt Bugs' to be more social - duplicate bugs can be given as gifts or traded.
Allows clothing racks to only sell one type of garment (everyday, undies, PJs, etc).
Adds a menu option to fridges to stock all harvestables from inventory.
Adds menu options to the juicer to stock all harvestables of the selected quality from inventory.
This mod allows you to reward Sim's for learning the toddler life skills (walk, talk, nursery rhyme, potty train), or penalise them
A Sim that attempts to dive but then chicken's out will enter the pool via the nearest ladder instead.
Fixes the wall speaker code to make clones work.
This global mod directs sims at specific schools or over a certain age, to walk to/from school and not take the school bus.
This global mod directs sims at specified career levels, or in specific jobs, to walk to/from work and not take the carpool.
This mod gives the player greater control over the work-play balance for their Sims, by enabling the player to decide in advance of the car pool arriving if the Sim is going to take paid/unpaid leave or "fake a sickie".
A folder for indicating where a Sim should place their homework - on a table/desk or the floor.
Permits teens and adults to leave the lot when they would normally get the notification about leaving littles ones home alone, provided all children are going to school.
When a toddler grows up, if any of their siblings attend private school they will be automatically enrolled into the private school.
Shared Parenting Paid Time Off (PTO)
This global mod allows adults to share paid time off (PTO) (aka vacation days) while looking after the kids.
The Sims Salary Bonus Scheme rewards Sims for long service, in addition to pay increases from being promoted. Sims who remain at their current career level (pay grade) will receive pay rises as their days worked at that level increase.
A briefcase and tablet that can be snapped into a teen Sim's hand from code.
This is a school minibus replacement for the standard big yellow school bus.
This global mod permits the bonus that a Sim receives when they are promoted to be made optional.
This mod provides uniforms for children and teens enrolled in private school. Includes preg morph for female teens.
This mod provides uniforms for children and teens enrolled in public school. Includes preg morph for female teens.
This global mod grants want slots and locks upon obtaining life experience (job levels).
A patch to the Job Finder to permit careers to be marked as "unselectable"
This global mod changes university course length from four years to three years (eight semesters to six).
This global mod changes which major is automatically declared when a Sim enters their junior year from Psychology to one based on their One True Hobby (OTH), interests and skills.
Instant Pledge for Greek Houses
This global mod removes the time lapse between an existing Greek House member asking a Sim to pledge and the pledging Sim being able to move in.
This global mod stops NPCs moving into a dorm if there is no ShinyTyme Cooktop on the lot.
Not Going To College Bonus Days
This global mod grants extra days of adult life to teens that grow up without going to university. It also removes the "Never Went To College" negative memory.
University After Birthday Party For Teens
Teen Sims have the option of going to University after blowing out the candles on their birthday cake.
While reading a magazine there is a small chance of learning the basics of a vacation skill.
Mah Jong Satisifies "Play With" Wants
A simple fix to the Mah Jong table to satisify any wants to "Play With" one of the other players.
More Special Collection Souvenirs
Increases the number of mementos that count towards the special collections when placed on the 'ShowMeOff Rack of Glory'.
Maps to the associated secret lot for a holiday destination can occasionally appear for sale in a souvenir rack.
Vacation mementos such as the pirate doubloon and secret maps can be placed on shelves.
All three orchard trees miniaturised and made buyable; plants do not need tending in any way.
All six veggie plants made buyable; plants do not need watering or tending in any way.
Two pots that can be planted with vegetables.
Allows Sims to break up from going steady, engagement or marriage with a simple phone call.
Allows Sims to add any Sim as known (and hence callable) by phone. No longer does your Sim need to have a pile of telephone directories cluttering up their hall table.
Permits children and teens to call their friends on a 'snow day'.
Adds an interaction to an elder dog or cat to add a day to their life-span.
Adds new spells, mainly evil but some neutral and good ones as well.
This social mod adds an option for one Sim to ask another how old they are.
This social mod adds an option for one Sim to ask another for a backrub.
Social - What's Your Favourite Colour?
This social mod adds an option for one Sim to ask another what their favourite colour is.
Replacements for the "Very First WooHoo" memory.
When a pregnant Sim goes to "show half" they will get the "I'm pregnant" memory.
A mod to give teens memories of failing school.
Two mods to give toddlers more memories.
Alternative Education Career (Adult)
Aligns the lower adult education jobs with school hours and uses the school minibus as the carpool.
Pop Star Career (Adult and Teen)
Careers for wanna be pop stars!
A working box of preventatives (aka condoms) for your fertile Sims.
Makes the newspaper buyable from magazine racks.
A wall barre that can be used by a pair of accomplished dancers to practice their more complex moves together.
Five custom magazines for Sims to read.
Fire-hydrant spawning vehicle drive-bys.
Allows Sims to skate on an empty driveway.
A double length wall barre that can be used by up to four Sims at the same time.
Two display racks that can be used to purchase the ten hobby magazines.
A fully functional, variable layout roller coaster for Sims to ride on.
When read, the Info Card provides a small boost to a skill or badge.
A traffic cone for teen Sims to purloin.
A working pregnancy test kit for your fertile Sims.
Display the numerical environment score of a room. Useful for debugging and testing rooms and the effect of adding/removing "stuff"
Two menu boards that permit Sims to buy food.
Display racks that sells newspapers.
Wooden figure with options to display the seven basic skills and the four hidden skills to two decimal places. Also displays badge progress.
A small waste paper basket that will fit under bedside tables. Mainly decorative, but will accept empty condom packets.
Teen Female Summer Public School Uniform
White blouse, blue tie, dark grey skirt with sensible black shoes combos. Short and long skirt versions, with fat and pregnant morphs.
Teen Female Winter Public School Uniform
Jumper, blue tie, dark grey skirt with sensible black shoes combo, with fat and pregnant morphs.
Teen Female Teal Private School Uniform
Teal blazer, white shirt, teal skirt with sensible black shoes combo, with fat and pregnant morphs.
Enables the "desperation actions" for a Sim.
Adds a new (harmless) "Electrocute Me!" action to Sims.
This global mod removes the overhead meters when skilling, crafting, repairing, teaching tricks and gaining interests.
Primarily of use to story-tellers and picture takers who want to control which direction a Sim is facing or where they are looking.
Sim control mods - diving board, pool slide and beach towel.
Adds a new "Run Away" action to teenage Sims.
Enables the "Tip.../$amount" interactions for any teen or older Sim.
Thought and Talk Bubble Controller
Primarily of use to story-tellers and picture takers who want a specific thought/talk bubble above a Sim's head.
Extension mod for various body hair overlay boxes.
Extension mod for ocelotekatl's facial expressions from various of his overlay boxes.
'Estorpajos al Aire!' Adjuster
Extension mod for ocelotekatl's "Estorpajos al Aire!" overlay boxes.
Extension mod for ocelotekatl's "Lengua Materna" overlay box.
Two-tile wall mural of an angel and demon.
Set of four 2-tile disco diva murals in Red/Orange, Pink, Green and Blue. And one 7-tile mural of all four.
Three-tile wall mural of the classic reclining mud flap girl.
3-tile Olympic Rings murals on paste.
Two-tile wall mural of an romantic couple.
Two posters for your fermented juice bar.
Pictures of the four elements (air, earth, fire and water) contained within light bulbs.
A picture for fire-loving Sims.
Six black on white (very dark grey on paste) paintings of kitties.
Three paintings of orange flowers.
These posters change image depending on who is in the room..
Recolouable version of Hunter240x's White Rabbit.