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Utilities and Notes

Sims 2 Tools Project

  • HCDU Plus - reports mod conflicts at the package level
  • What Caused This - attempts to locate mods that cause dthe dreaded Object Error popup
  • BSOK Editor - utility for quickly applying nuBSOK and mfBSOK product codes
  • Object Relocator - utility for moving Buy Mode objects around in the catalog en-masse
  • Outfit Organiser - utility for managing clothing, hairs, accessories and make-up
  • Repository Wizard - utility for making repositoried objects and clothing
  • SceneGraph Plus - utility for displaying and editing scenegraph chains and associated resources
  • Hood Exporter - utility for exporting a Sims 2 'hood as XML
  • BHAV Finder - makes spelunking in the game code more productive
  • Log Watcher - utility for displaying ObjectError logs in a more accessible manner
  • DBPF Compare - utility for comparing resources within two package files
  • DBPF Viewer - a simple application to display the (coding related) contents of a DBPF file
  • Source Code - source code available on GitHub

SimPe Primitive Wizards

29 additional primitive wizards for SimPe.

Adding Scholarships

Notes on how to add new scholarships."

Add/Change Action String - Passing Temp 4 as Param 2

Notes on undocumented bit 3 of operand 3 for the 0x0032 Add/Change Action String primitive.

Adventures In Animations

Notes on using the Reach/Put primitive to pick up and put down objects."

Black School Uniforms

Notes on updating my Public School Uniforms mod to use alternative black uniforms."

Change Outfit Globals & Clothing Templates

Notes on the globals 0x029B "Clothes - Change Outfit - External Guid" and 0x039A "Clothes - Change Outfit - External Guid - Stack Object ID", and the related clothing templates.

Changing PTO for Maternity Leave

Notes on changing PTO for Maternity Leave.

Changing the Hood Verge

Notes on how to change the verge type for a neighbourhood

cigen.package Thumbnail Cache

Notes on the cigen.package thumbnails cache file.

Custom Phone Calls

Notes on voyages and discoveries while making a custom phone call mod.

Diagonal GUID Mystery

Notes on the mysterious diagonal GUID setting and undeletable objects.

Dialogue - Text Notification - TNS Style 0x05

Notes on an undocumented TNS style (which I'm calling) "Sim (about Object ID in Temp 1 by Sim NID in Temp 2)"

Global BHAVs

Spreadsheet of all Maxis global BHAVs and modder created ones (that I could find).

Maxis GUIDs

Spreadsheet of all Maxis object and want GUIDs.

Measuring Distance

Notes on measuring distance with the Distance primitive.

Modifying Social Interaction Requirements

Notes on modifying social interaction requirements (global BCON 0x0100).

Push Interaction - As Continuation

Notes on the undocumented use of bit 3, op 3 in the 0x000D Push Interaction primitive.

Reach/Put - Using Reach Anims

Notes on the undocumented use of bit 4, op 9 in the 0x0074 Reach/Put primitive.

Recolourable Bi-State Objects

Notes on the requirements and quirks for recolourable bi-state objects.

The Other Primitives

Notes on the operands for the other primitives

SimAntics Notes

Notes on various aspects of SimAntics programming.

SimPe Notes

Notes on various aspects of SimPe.

The School Run

Mods for changing the way Sims go to school

Slaved CC Counters with Inset Sinks

An alternative soloution for fixed the CTD issue with slaved counters and inset sinks.

Ultimate Collection Path Fix

How to fix the UC path issue once and for all.

Under The Boardwalk

Notes on oddities under a boardwalk/pier.