Custom Loading Screens
and Music
A Sims2RPC Plug-In
If you don't start your game with the "Sims2RPC Mod Launcher" by Lazy Duchess, why are you even reading this?
This plug-in for the "Sims2RPC Mod Launcher" (hereafter called "Sims2RPC") incorporates the random loading screen and random splash music functionality of the "LoadingRandomizer2" launcher by greatcheesecakepersona
This means that you can continue launching your game via "Sims2RPC" while enjoying random bespoke loading screens and music.
It also adds the ability to link a piece of music to a specific loading screen, enabling you to theme the screen and music together.
Sims2RPC is a launcher for The Sims 2 that supports plug-in extensions. Current extensions include support for First-born Syndrome Fix, Separates 4 All, Height Mod, etc.
Using another launcher to first copy a random loading screen or music file and then launch the Sims2RPC launcher seems overly complicated and error-prone, when the "first copy a random loading screen or music file" functionality can be written as a Sim2RPC plug-in extension.
- If you are currently using "LoadingRandomizer2" you must remove it first.
- If you are using a UI replacement that has its own custom loading screen, such as Clean UI or Starship UI, remove just the custom loading screen .package file you copied into the base game's TSData/Res/UI sub-folder.
- If you are using any other custom loading screen, for example HD, QHD or 4k, remove it.
You need to know if you are using an Origin or EA Games based install. The easiest way to figure this out is to look at the start of the path to your Sims2RPC.exe file.
- Origin: "C:/Program Files (x86)/Origin Games/The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection/..."
- EA Games: "C:/Program Files/EA Games/The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection/..."
NOTE: Do NOT look at your Downloads folder, as the path to this is the same for both an Origin and an EA Games based install.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The supplied configuration file is based on my system and I have an EA Games based install. If you have an Origin based install you MUST make the appropriate edits as detailed below.
Installation - Custom .package Files Sub-Folders
- Create a sub-folder to hold your bespoke loading screen .package files, this can be anywhere convenient, for example a "CustomLoadingScreens" sub-folder in your "~Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection" folder, that is, at the same "level" as your Downloads folder.
- Copy your bespoke loading screen .package file(s) to your "CustomLoadingScreens" sub-folder (not the .png/.jpg files!). If you are using a UI replacement, such as Clean UI or Starship UI, these MUST be compatible with your replacement UI. Examples of standard custom loading screens can be found here
- (Optional) Create a sub-folder to hold your bespoke loading music .package files, this can be anywhere convenient, for example a "CustomLoadingMusic" sub-folder in your "~Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection" folder, that is, at the same "level" as your Downloads folder.
- (Optional) Copy your bespoke loading music .package file(s) to your "CustomLoadingMusic" sub-folder (not the .mp3 files!). Examples of custom loading music can be found here
Installation - Configuration File And Plug-In
- Unzip the somewhere, the Desktop is good.
- Open the "CustomLoadingScreens.cfg" you just unzipped with a text editor.
- Read the comments within it.
- Set the paths correctly.
- The first path is to the BASE GAME's UI folder (and NOT the UI folder of your latest EP/SP). The supplied .cfg file is configured for an EA Games based install, you MUST change this path if you are using an Origin Games based install.
- The second path is to the "CustomLoadingScreens" sub-folder you created above. The supplied .cfg file is configured assuming you created the "CustomLoadingScreens" sub-folder at the same "level" as your Downloads folder.
- (Optional) The third path is to the LATEST EP/SP's Sound folder. The supplied .cfg file is configured for an EA Games based install, you MUST change this path if you are using an Origin Games based install.
- (Optional) The fourth path is to the "CustomLoadingMusic" sub-folder you created above. The supplied .cfg file is configured assuming you created the "CustomLoadingMusic" sub-folder at the same "level" as your Downloads folder.
- Using Windows Explorer, find your "Sims2RPC.exe" program, for UC for a EA Games based install it's in something like "C:\Program Files\EA Games\The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\Fun with Pets\SP9\TSBin", while for an Origin based install it's in something like "C:\ Program Files (x86)\Origin Games \The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\Fun with Pets\SP9\TSBin"
- There SHOULD be a "mods" sub-folder within the "TSBin" folder. If not, create one - you will need admin privileges to do this.
- Copy the "CustomLoadingScreens.asi" file into the "mods" sub-folder - you will need admin privileges to do this.
- Copy your edited "CustomLoadingScreens.cfg" file into the "mods" sub-folder - you will need admin privileges to do this.
Your mods sub-folder should look something like this.

Finally, start the game with "Sims2RPC". The loading screen and music should be a random pick from one of your bespoke ones.
Adding/Deleting Loading Screens
What something different? Just add another .package file with the new bespoke loading screen into your "CustomLoadingScreens" sub-folder.
Bored of a loading screen? Just delete it from your "CustomLoadingScreens" sub-folder.
What something different? Just add another .package file with the new bespoke loading music into your "CustomLoadingMusic" sub-folder.
Bored of a loading tune? Just delete it from your "CustomLoadingMusic" sub-folder.
Linking A Loading Screen With A Specific Piece Of Music
If you want a specific piece of music to play when a loading screen is selected, do NOT place the music's .package file into the "CustomLoadingMusic" sub-folder but place it into the "CustomLoadingScreens" sub-folder and rename it to match the loading screen's .package file name with a "_Music" suffix, for example "AutumnLoadingScreen.package" and "AutumnLoadingScreen_Music.package" (BOTH in the "CustomLoadingScreens" sub-folder).
IMPORTANT NOTE: Even if all of your music is linked to loading screens, you MUST create and configure your "CustomLoadingMusic" sub-folder (as it is needed to hold any backups required).
Uninstallation - Loading Screens
- Delete (or move) the "CustomLoadingScreens" sub-folder along with its contents.
- Start the game via "Sims2RPC", you should be back to the standard loading screen, exit the game.
Uninstallation - Loading Music
- Remove all the bespoke music .package files from the "CustomLoadingMusic" sub-folder. Do NOT delete the "_backup" sub-sub-folder!
- Remove all the linked music files in the "CustomLoadingScreens" sub-folder.
- Start the game via "Sims2RPC", you should be back to the standard loading music, exit the game.
- Delete the "CustomLoadingMusic" sub-folder along with its "_backup" sub-folder.
Uninstallation - Sims2RPC Plug-In
- You MUST uninstall both the Loading Screens and the Loading Music before removing the plug-in. (Unless you want to tidy up by hand later - details NOT included!)
- Delete the "CustomLoadingScreens.asi" and "CustomLoadingScreens.cfg" files from the "mods" sub-folder (and the "CustomLoadingScreens.log" and "" files if present)
- Lazy Duchess for the "Sims2RPC Mod Launcher" and for making the source code of several extension plug-ins available on GitHub.
- Greatcheesecakepersona for the "LoadingRandomizer2" launcher.
- Klaartje, Charmful and rudhira for testing and very helpful feedback on the installation process, pitfalls and gotchas.
Source code can be downloaded from GitHub